Cybersecurity Champions Program

Cybersecurity Champions logo

Cybersecurity Champions come from departments across campus and advocate for cybersecurity within their own work areas. We provide tools and knowledge to help you identify opportunities for improvement and possibly implement changes in your area.

Champions participate in learning opportunities, activities and online conversations through posting ideas or positive, helpful comments to help build our community.

Each Champion receives a selection of swag to share with coworkers and help spread the cybersecurity message.


Bi-Monthly Challenges
Champions receive challenges every other month in the Inside Scoop newsletter. They are designed to help you with community outreach and personal accomplishments. 

Earn a cool Champion prize for yourself for every challenge you fully complete and submit! Prizes will be mailed to your campus (or alternate) address.

How to participate

Those interested in participating may request to join now at

Contact us

If you have questions about the Champions program, contact