If you are experiencing trouble logging in to email and Canvas, you may need to:
-Login using your complete email address, “netid@illinois.edu”
-Update an outdated bookmark for UIUC services or update an outdated browser, application, or device operating system
Please visit the following article for more information and troubleshooting assistance. https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/page.php?id=120603=3
On the first screen, type in your entire university provided email address. You will no longer be able to enter only your NetID for access. Please update your password managers accordingly.
For more information about the login screen see this pageĀ Identity Management, Urbana Single Sign-On Pages (uillinois.edu)
The Duo screen will appear after successful entry of your email address and password. This is a visual change that requires no new or different action on your part. Continue to login with Duo as you have in the past.
For more information about the new Duo prompt, visit 2FA, Duo Universal Prompt Overview (uillinois.edu)