Ways we help
If you need assistance with the identity, privacy and cybersecurity pieces of research, or wonder where to begin, you are in the right place. Connect with people who can help to make sure you get the information and guidance you need regarding:
- Granting agency requirements
- IRB requirements. Government requirements
- Data sensitivity and privacy requirements
- University policy and standards
Email securitysupport@illinois.edu for cybersecurity assistance.
Email privacy@illinois.edu for cybersecurity assistance.
Guidelines for researchers
Here are some useful links for working with data in research regarding record retention, data de-identification, and data collection.
Guidance on human subjects research records retention
- AITS Research Records Retention https://www.aits.uillinois.edu/cms/One.aspx?portalId=558&pageId=1301078
- UI HIPAA-covered entities: https://hipaa.uillinois.edu/health-care-components/